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What is the appropriate thickness of the shower room glass

Update:26 Dec 2020

Shower room: Separate shower cubicle. Modern homes have higher and higher requirements for bathroom facilities. Many families hope to have an independent bathing space. However, due to the limited sanitary space in the room, they can only put the bathing facilities and sanitary ware together. room. The shower room makes full use of the corner of the room and clearly divides the shower area with fences to form a relatively independent bathing space.

   In modern home decoration, the ceiling height is usually around 2.4 meters. Therefore, modern shower room manufacturers set the standard height of the shower room as 1.95 meters (1950 mm) and 1.9 meters (1900 mm). The size of the shower room is related to its shape except for the height. The standard diamond-shaped shower room sizes are: 900*900mm, 900*1200mm, 1000*1000mm, 1200*1200mm four specifications; while the standard There are three sizes of square shower room: 800*1000mm, 900*1000mm, 1000*1000mm; the standard arc fan-shaped shower room size is: 900*900mm, 900*1000mm, 900*1200mm, 1000*1000 mm, 1000*1300mm, 1000*1100mm, 1200*1200mm.

What is the appropriate thickness of the shower room glass
  ? Shower room glass, as the main body of the shower room, can be said to directly affect the service life of the shower room. For the thickness of the shower room, the thickness of 6mm, 8mm and 10mm is the most common. However, many consumers are more inclined to choose thicker glass thickness. In fact, is the thicker the shower glass the better?

   As for what thickness is appropriate? According to his introduction, shower room products on the market have different shapes, semi-curved and linear. The thickness of the glass is related to the shape of the shower room. For example, the curved type has modeling requirements for glass, generally 6mm is appropriate, too thick is not suitable for modeling, and the stability is not as good as 6mm thick. Similarly, if you choose a linear shower room, you can choose 8mm or 10mm specifications, but it needs to be reminded that as the thickness of the glass increases, the overall weight increases accordingly, which has a greater impact on the quality of related hardware. High demands. But if you buy 8~10mm thick glass, we require better quality pulleys.

  According to some salespeople in the building materials market, the proportion of self-explosion in shower rooms is relatively small, but there is no direct relationship with the thickness of the glass. According to incomplete statistics, the main reason for glass breakage in shower rooms is the pulleys and other hardware accessories. The pulleys are not pushed or pulled smoothly, there are foreign objects in the guide rails, and the pulleys are insufficient to support the glass. Therefore, when purchasing a shower room, in addition to checking the glass's 3C certification and other indicators. It is very important to choose the thickness of the shower room glass reasonably.

How to distinguish whether the shower room glass is good or bad

1. Check whether the glass is transparent, whether there are defects such as dots and bubbles. Brief analysis: The impurity of the glass material or the defects of the process will cause the glass to have defects such as nodes and bubbles, and reduce the mechanical strength of the glass.

  2. Check whether there is 3c certification on the original glass, whether there is a brand name, and whether there is a security code.

   3. Look at the model of completely tempered glass fragments.

Shower room glass cleaning and maintenance
   1. Removal method of descaling tools Glass water, watering can, scouring pad, glass scraping and wiping with watering can to replenish glass water at any time. Among them, the scouring pad is better if it can be replaced with a sponge with better water absorption. Because removing scale does not actually require too much friction, as long as the glass water is full, the scale is easily dissolved. Let's take a look at the effect of wiping. The left side is not wiped and the right side is wiped. After wiping clean, every time you finish the shower, just rinse it with cold water from top to bottom, and then scrape it with the glass, you can always keep it bright and clean. The purpose of cold water flushing is to avoid leaking individual small droplets that have dried up. . If it’s a newly bought shower room, you won’t even be able to use glass water. Just rinse it with cold water and scrape the glass again after showering. By my lazy standards, it's really not too much trouble.

  2. Potato peel removal method You can also try another method to remove stains on the shower glass that is potato peel. The inside of the potato peel is rich in starch, so as long as the potato peel is used to wipe the glass, the glass will take away the stains due to the starch, and the original misty shower glass will still be as bright as new and sparkling. Yo.

   3. Dip a paper towel with sour vinegar and wipe it with a paper towel. The decorator also told me that the best thing to clean the glass is a napkin. Dip a paper towel with sour vinegar and wipe it with a paper towel.

  4. Wipe water stains on jeans Cut the unwanted jeans to a proper size and add some water. Wipe back and forth several times in the water stained area. The water stains on the glass in the shower room will naturally disappear, and there will be no traces after rubbing. The above are the shower room cleaning methods shared by the editor. Whether it is to buy or use the shower room, there are many points and tips for cleaning. As long as we find out with our heart, I hope this article will be helpful to everyone.
